Monday, December 14, 2009

My World: Low Clouds Over Bear Creek Valley

(Photo:  Jo Smith on 12/13/09)

Low clouds hung around for a while early Sunday morning.

(Photo:  Jo Smith on 12/13/09)



Lisa at Greenbow said...

You must be up in those clouds Jo and Marvin. Great pictures Jo.

Sylvia K said...

How very beautiful! Your photos are marvelous and really capture the feeling of winter. Love the clouds!

Have a great week and stay warm!


Anonymous said...

Love the mist this time of year.

My name is Riet said...

Oh beautiful scenery in your world

Samson said...

Lovely photo's

WR said...

Hi Marvin:

Very nice photos! The low clouds are beautiful. Deep Fall for all of us ~ waitng for the full weight of winter to settle in...

That is quite some back yard! :-)

Shelly Cox said...

Beautiful pictures. I love your area of the country, in fact it is one of my favorite places to visit.

Birdy Official said...

Nice view of clouds from the top.

Ted C. MacRae said...

Oh, how I love the Ozarks!

I'm guessing the trees are showing ice damage suffered last winter?


SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

A terrific shot Marvin. Jo always takes excellent ones as well. Love the pics on the pollen basket too as well as the information.

Marvin said...

Thanks to everyone for his/her comment.

Ted: Yes, now that the leaves are off the trees, the extent of last winter's ice damage is fully apparent again. The area where Jo took those photos was especially hard hit. I doubt there's a single tree without significant damage.

Oman said...

interesting and definitely lovely. thanks for sharing. i love it.

Anonymous said...

I can see why you live there -- it's beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Those are nice pictures, Marvin. Looks like you need some snow.