Showing posts with label Greenstriped Mapleworm Moth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Greenstriped Mapleworm Moth. Show all posts

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Arkansas Moth: Rosy Maple (Dryocampa rubicunda)

Rosy Maple Moth (Dryocampa rubicunda)
(Photo:  Marvin Smith on 5/30/09)

Rosy Maple Moth
(Dryocampa rubicunda)

Were there a prize given for the most widespread, numerous and eye-catching moth, the Rosy Maple would probably win. Bob Patterson on MPG says this species has been the number one generator of ID requests, from southeastern Canada to Florida.

Hodges Number: 7715

Other common names: Green-striped Mapleworm (caterpillar)

Range: Eastern North America, including most of Florida.

Habitat: Deciduous forests.

Season: May-August in north (one brood), April-September in south (2-3 broods).

Food: Adults do not feed. Hostplants for larvae are maples, Acer, or oaks, Quercus.

Life cycle: Eggs are laid in clusters of 10-30 on foliage. Early instars are gregarious. Overwinters as pupa, below ground. Adults come to lights readily.

Caterpillars: Occasionally, D. rubicunda larvae can become serious defoliators. The caterpillar is usually most important as a pest on shade and ornamental landscape maples. Damage from loss of foliage is largely aesthetic; trees usually survive and recover, but some loss in growth and dieback in the crown may occur. (Please see Auburn University site for more information and photos.)

Species information from BugGuide.

Other links:
Moths of North America

Please visit Xenogere for the latest edition of The Moth and Me Blog Carnival, and check out Jason's fantastic images of a wingless female moth.
