Thursday, December 27, 2007

Jo's Snow Photos

Since Jo is the member of our team that doesn't stay up half the night and, therefore, gets up at the ungodly hour of 6 AM, she was able to take a few more snow photos before too many patches of bare ground started peaking through.

Jerry Joe's round hay bales up near the gate.

Our driveway heading back toward the house. Jo said she was having problems with the dogs cooperating with her picture taking -- correction: Jo was having problems with our problem child, Bucket, who was gorging on snow .


  1.*w! (I try to avoid ever writing or saying that word in it's entirety, as that tends to invoke it.) Lovely photos, even with all that sn*w!

  2. Very pretty... but nice to have it melt fairly soon, eh? We made our wimpy snowman for the season... spring can come anytime now. :)

    Diego would like more snow though. Like Boo-kay, he loves to gorge on the stuff... silly dog.


  3. Nice pix's. I really like the hay one. I say bring on more snow!!! :)

  4. The second photo of the hay bales knocked my socks off. Jo is a great photographer.

    Beautiful snow...sigh.

  5. Lana: Sn*w isn't quite as dirty of a word for me as it is for you since I don't have your long and sordid past of having to deal with the white menace. Heck, I was in my mid-thirties before I ever saw enough sn*w to completely cover the ground.

    Ron: Ya know, I've never built a snowman. When I was a kid, I had no snow. When I had snow, I had no kids. Bucket would probably just eat him anyway.

    Dave: You say, "bring on more snow!". I say, "You and Anchorage deserve each other." Enjoy!

    Mary: Thank you. I taught Jo everything she knows about photography. :-) (I can safely say that because Jo never reads my blog. Otherwise, I'd be paying some serious consequences for that remark.)

  6. ...and yet you now also type it as "sn*w." ;) *LOL*

  7. Great shots! I'm jealous of your snow! It's 50 degrees here in the city. Blech!

  8. Okay, disregard my "wimpy" comment in the previous post-that's more like it! Congratulations and welcome to winter...please keep your ski tips in the upright position until your tumbling body comes to a full and complete stop at the end of your yard sale. Thank you and enjoy your stay! ;-)

  9. I was just trying to watch my language when speaking to a lady, Lana.


    Thanks, Todd. No need to be jealous any longer. The snow gone.


    I don't think so, Lisa. Skiing is one of those things I've decided to defer until my next incarnation. "Yard sale", indeed.


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