Thursday, December 20, 2007

Late Afternoon Walk

The pond on the upper pasture is a lot fuller than it was a couple of weeks ago, and we got another .6" of rain overnight. This rain came in the form of a thundershower, complete with a fair amount of thunder and lightning. Had to get up and unplug the computer.

I'm sure these high, wispy clouds have a name, but I don't remember what it is. I just thought they were a cool addition to the sky above our upper pasture -- a much better addition than the honey locusts in the foreground.

We leave on our afternoon walk about four o'clock every day, but with these short winter days, we can't dawdle too much or it's getting dark by the time we return. These long shadows point the way down the "home stretch" of the loop we normally walk.

While Jo and the dogs went on to the house, I decided to linger and photograph the "sunset". Here in the hills we don't have a true sunset. The sun simply drops down behind the mountain across the valley. Often, the sky is more colorful a while after we've lost sight of the sun.


  1. Marvin, your sunset photos are wonderful. The hills get in the way, but you have some great shadows, especially at 4 o'clock :o)

  2. The trail photo... stunning!

  3. Thanks, Mary, but I thought I solved my four o'clock shadows problem when I grew a beard.

    Thank you, Dave.

  4. Absolutely lovely! I believe the clouds are cirrus, btw. The "swept sugar" look that often indicate snow.

  5. You're right, Lana: Cirrus, very high and composed of ice crystals. Thanks.

  6. Nice walk! I want to try and take one myself this weekend, but the pictures will be a lot whiter! :) Happy New Year!

  7. Lisa: Watch out for renegade snowmen.


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