Saturday, January 19, 2008

All Is Right

All is right in the world.

Overnight we received a new cold front

It's cold, but sunny.

Birds are in the trees.

Lichens are on the rocks.

Deer are in the garden.


  1. Great photos! My camera is old, and we're thinking of getting a new one. What kind of camera do you use? I know you're not responding to comments anymore, so if you want to email me it's

  2. Fantastic set of wildlife pictures.. most enjoyable to see.

  3. Awesome on the deer! Although I'd seen hoof prints in our yard when we first moved in, we've never seen a deer here. I know they're around, but they know we're around, too.

  4. A deer in your garden. Ahhhh, life is GOOD.

  5. Cold sunny days can sure be glorious. Very beautiful pictures, Marvin.

    BTW, thanks for the info on garden fencing a while back. I'm still not 100% sure what we are going to do, but you gave me some great ideas.


  6. Isn't it too bad we can't train the deer to clean up our gardens during the winter and leave the gardens alone during spring and summer.

    Nice picutres Marvin. The rocks around our water feature has that color of green lichen on it.

  7. Hi Again Marvin
    If you get the time nip over and see a local band my friend Graham plays in... they do a bit of Bluegrass.. check out the lead singer Jock... he certainly as a look of you.

    The band are very funny to watch and great at what they do.

  8. A beautiful, healthy deer! Ours came off the mountain for January thaw and there are some trails here and there but mostly they are staying put in the deer yards for the next 2-3 months. How'd you get so close?

  9. Mostly I let the doe get close to me, Andrée. She was in the garden; I was in the kitchen and took the photo through the window.


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