Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Lichen Mandella

Nature's creations never cease to amaze me.


  1. Like a flower! And so delicate, when you click on it and enlarge it. Simply beautiful...

    And Re: your answer to my photo question in my blog... "It's time for a trip deep inside the bowels of your white balance compensation settings." -sigh- Yes, I suppose that is what I have to do. But brrrrrrrr... It sounds scary. I'd really like someone to hold my hand, and accompany me, on this trip, deep inside the bowels of my white balance compensation settings! Eeeeeek!

    All kidding aside, thank you much. As I said to Slim, I do remember playing around in such a place, when someone wanted me to take pictures of jewelry. Most likely, I "messed up" something, for regular photo taking. And I do have to venture back, and see about "un-messing" with it. Or some such.

    Having a suggestion for a destination, in my searching in the *dreaded* instruction book, makes it so much easier to tackle the book!!!! Thank you!

    But if you don't see me posting photos for a week or so, please send out a rescue party!!! ,-)


  2. This looks to be natures egg whites frying on a cooking stone.

    Or perhaps someone left their knitted tam lying on this stone since they took it off to get down to see some pretty little lichen up close and take its picture.

  3. Hey Marv, if you like mandalas Terri makes them here...

  4. Marvin,
    I like your photographs and I like the country that you live in. It looks like an area where an outdoor photographer can always find something of interest and you are doing a good job of portraying it.

  5. What is even better than this mandala is that you interpreted it!! Great!

  6. Oooh...So pretty! Like a little sunburst of life. :)

  7. Nature's designs are the stuff "art" is made of. This is just so very beautiful! Thank you for the id. I would never have known.

  8. Oooo, so pretty ;). I hope you enjoy Blogcatalog too, btw. I just found it about two weeks ago and already enjoy it. I'm still learning too.

    Btw, are you using a point-and-shoot or a full SLR camera? I catch glimpses of both in your pictures.

  9. Keep it up Marvin. Your finding stuff that's wonderful to look at that I never really thought of before.

  10. Nate: The camera is an Olympus C8080WZ, a so-called pro-sumer point and shoot.

  11. Beautiful! Looks like an overhead shot of a volcano erupting...or a lace doiley (sp?)...very cool.


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