Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A Little Ice

When freezing rain began falling around nine o'clock Monday evening, I had visions of broken limbs and downed power lines. However, the same south wind that brought us the rain was also bringing warmer temperatures. By midnight, our temperature rose above freezing and the ice that had accumulated began melting. The gradual melting continued until mid-morning on Tuesday when a new cold front plunged the temperature below freezing again.

We took our normal afternoon walk without too many problems. The was one steep slope that still had enough ice on the rocks to be tricky. I knelt down on all fours a couple of times so I could ease down the slope, figuring that was better than making a abrupt one-point landing when I least expected it. We made it back to the house with no other problems.

A little ice remained on the red berries.

And there were a few small ice flows along the bluff.

I have absolutely no idea why there were two salamanders out on the ice covered pond.

A leaf trapped in the pond ice by its stem.


  1. I think I would go back and break a hole in the ice for the Salamanders to get in the warmer water. Nice shots of the ice though.

  2. Crazy salamander! Great pictures. I love the ice on the bluff, and the leaf frozen by its stem!

  3. Hi Marvin
    Great set of pictures here, love the leaf... this is the frist time I have seen a close up of a salamander... if you see any more could you email a picture of them. I find them very strange...


  4. It's a wise man, who knows when to avoid injury on ice.

    And it allows the wise man to get home with lovely photos!


  5. The ice flow on the bluff reminds me of such along the Niagara gorge (albeit much more HUGE & frightening.) I love the pic of the leaf. Strange to see the salamanders ice skating!

  6. Hi Marvin,
    Glad the ice did not cause any damage. Ice can be very beautiful but also harmful. Salamander? Wow!
    The leaf frozen in the pond is a "art" photo for sure. Do continue to be safe while walking in the cold. Very wise of you to take to all fours when needed. Better to be safe than sorry.

  7. Nice crisp clean pix's. Stay warm!

  8. I have never seen a wild salamander. I do want to so bad and you have some during winter. Not fair! pout. I do love seeing the way ice flows down the side of a rock outcropping. At the park we walk at it has a creek that runs through and the ice flows off its banks in times like these. It is really cold here. Single digits. Brrrrrrrrrr

  9. Marvin,

    I guess you've been told to be careful enough already. I avoid ice completely, except when I see its beauty that you captured so well in your photos.

  10. Salamander is a spotted salamander and I have seen the out on the snow also! Little early for them to be out but no worry, they have good blood to be wondering around. My guess is that they are moving closer to there vernal pools where they will be breeding soon!

  11. Salamander in winter is a new one for me! I'm sure they know what they're doing, but brrr! Safe ice maneuvering was a wise move..."no pain, no pain" I say!


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