Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Warm February Day

There's nothing like a day with the temperature up in the mid-seventies to get your sap flowing.

NOAA says there's a new cold front on the way down and we're going to have to pay for this unseasonably warm weather with a possibility of severe weather on Tuesday. Our rain chance probability is 100%. It doesn't look as if I'll get much wandering in the woods done on Tuesday.

Box Turtle Shell


  1. That is the first turtle shell I have seen in years. I like the top photo too.

    I had 61 degrees here when I got up at 4:00 a.m. And it is raining off and on with thunder rumbling in the distance. This kind of thing happened last year and nearly killed by 40 year old Japanese Maple. If it continues like this then it could get the last of it.

    A sudden freeze that lasts a few days or a week or two can kill a lot of stuff.

  2. Do you collect the sap?

    That Turtle shell is something... never seen one of these lying about our wood. Some areas of the UK are now seeing turtle in ponds and lakes, these have been bought as pets then let free. Make you wonder what else is out there at times.

  3. You're right, Abraham, it is getting too warm too soon.


    No, Tom, no sap collecting for me. I live too far south. I've read that a limited amount of syrup making (like for home use) could be done where I live, but I don't see how it would be worth the time and effort. We don't have the right trees (sugar maples) or conditions for commercial syrup production. That's all done up in the Northeast

  4. Yesssssssssssss. Sap!

    Ever tap those trees for syrup?

    My state of NY is not known for maple syrup, like Vermont is. But when I was a kid {ahemm, back at the beginning of time} people used to tap trees for their own syrup. Maybe just for the fun of it. Don't remember. But I do remember seeing trees tapped.


  5. Peter taps the sap of our Silver Birch.. it's a sweet drink when coffee is made from it... and of course free.

  6. is it normal for you to have warmer temps (maybe not seventies, but warm) in February? Somehow I thought your state was cold.


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