Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Sunday in the Woods

The Dog-Tooth Violet (Trout Lily) blooms are just starting to open.

The Trillium blooms will be opening very soon.


  1. Hi, I came over here from a comment you left on my friend's blog. Love the flower photos! The detail is fantastic.

  2. Beautiful flowers Marvin. I can't wait to see them in the woods where we walk. These are some of my favorites.

  3. Ok Marvin- I have a bit of floral envy after looking at your images. We're nowhere close!

    Great shots.


  4. Marvin, I can't wait for our trilliums and trout lilies to show up! I would be happy with colts foot! 101% Jealous!!

  5. Your spring has truly sprung there and we are way behind you here. Nice photos.

    Abraham Lincoln in Brookville, Ohio

  6. I am really enjoying this set of pictures Marvin..
    Trout Lily conjures up many things, mostly poaching the odd trout or two from a local river when younger.

  7. I love the woodland flowers---your photos are beautiful.
    We don't have any frog eggs yet in our pond but the Redwinged Blackbird is very vocal when I am out there. MB

  8. Dear Marvin,
    I love wildflowers! Your photos are excellent! Thanks for the research too.
    If it would just warm up a bit more I would take a hike too. It is still early here but maybe a few wildflowers have emerged.
    You are inspiring me.
    Thank you,

  9. I love all of the recent flowers & the snake! We had lots of trilliums growing wild up in Canada...Guess that's why they're the provincial flower of Ontario!
    Sorry for my continued absence lately. I'm having back problems & sitting at the computer doesn't help. <:(

  10. Marvin-- Great photos and I see your blog already knows I linked this at the current edition of Berry-Go-Round at Foothills Fancies. Let me know if there's a problem, and keep up the good work!

    p.s. I'm interested in treenware-- any posts about making it?

  11. SLW: Thanks for the comment and link. Sorry, but no posts about about making treenware. There are some photos of our work

  12. Great choice for the Berry-Go-Round.

    It was very enjoyable as usual,


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