Saturday, March 08, 2008

Nine Inches of March Snow

We ended up getting a little over nine inches of snow. That's quite a bit for our area at any time and a lot of snow for March. Most of the snow fell on Thursday with a couple of inches more falling early Friday morning.

A shed on the edge of our yard.

I reckon we won't be going anywhere in the old van for a few days.

Not that we could actually drive out. This is our "driveway".

Our front steps.

Our handy-dandy snow measuring tool.

The little pickup I took into town Thursday afternoon.


  1. And meanwhile, you're doing a happy dance, that you DID get into town on Thursday! :-)))

    Oh and please do use up all that snow, down you way. We really don't want any left over, to get up here. We have yet to lose our snow cover!


  2. Hey, give us our snow back. Stay warm and glad to see the computer problems are behind you now.

  3. Marvin, isn't this snow just crazy? Ugg!

  4. Urgh! More snow. I can't wait till spring is here. We're suppose to get alittle more today.

  5. You got almost as much snow as we got. Our snowfall varied but we did "officially" get 11 inches. My daughter lives up the road and got 15 inches and I read that Columbus got 20 inches.

    Your photographs are nice and clearly show some of what hit us. My roof has about 4 foot high drifts on it in several places.

  6. It looks as though the blizzard found you. Good thing you got to the store. I would hate to think your were stuck in your house with only beans and no coffe.

  7. WOW.... thats snow... we've not seen any like that for many many years... Glad you made the trip to store, can you imagine not having your coffee for days and days.. now I begain to understand the term 'Cabin Fever'..

  8. Mari-Nanci: Yup, I'm very glad I made it into town and even more glad I made it back home. The bulk of the snow is now gone -- and a high temperature of 70ยบ is forecast for Wednesday. Around here, we don't have a "spring thaw"; we have several thaws every winter.

    Dave: As far as I'm concerned you can have all the snow you want. I've seen enough of the white stuff for this winter.

    Tom: "Ugg!" is an accurate summation of the situation.

    Barb: I keep thinking spring is just around the corner, but I keep being wrong.

    Abraham: Strangely enough, areas to our immediate north (like Springfield, MO) got very little snow this time around.

    Lisa: I could handle a steady diet of beans and rice for a few days better than I could handle having no coffee.

    Tom W: The effects of Cabin Fever are magnified when you have two dogs with tons of bottled up energy they aren't able to dissipate and don't understand why their normal routine of taking walks is disrupted.

  9. Mwahahahaha! Welcome to MY world....I just couldn't hog ALL the snow! Hope you enjoyed it!


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