Saturday, April 19, 2008

Violet Wood Sorrel

Violet Wood Sorrel (Oxalis violacea)

Violet Wood Sorrel is a native perennial that prefers full to partial sun. It can be found on moist and dry prairies, rocky open woodlands, thickets, and waste areas throughout most of the United States. (See USDA distribution map for details.)

The blooming period occurs during late spring and lasts about a month. Rarely, Violet Wood Sorrel may bloom again in the fall. There is no floral scent. Eventually, slender pointed seed capsules develop that split into 5 sections, sometimes ejecting the light brown seeds several inches. The root system consists of small bulblets with fibrous roots, which can slowly multiply.
Therefore, O. violacea is often found in clusters.

"Sorrel" refers to plants that have a sour juice. Many people like to eat the leaves or mix them into salads because of their sour taste. However, the leaves of all members of the Oxalidaceae family should be eaten in moderation if at all. The sour taste comes from the oxalic acid they contain and oxalic acid can cause kidney damage if eaten in large quantities.


  1. Very pretty color on this flower, Marvin.

  2. Nice photo and I always love your descriptions that go with the photo. You don't leave us wondering if there is something more that we need to know.

    I have a lot of Oxalis growing in edging in our flowerbeds. It's nice to pinch off a taste occasionally.

    Have a great weekend,

  3. Wow...Now THOSE are truly lovely. So soft/subtle in shade. Beautiful. Another great shot.


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