Thursday, May 08, 2008

Springfield, MO

Artfest on Walnut Street

Saturday morning began mostly cloudy and a bit nippy, but the sun soon broke through. The weather for the bulk of the weekend was beautiful. Plenty of folks came out to enjoy the sunshine -- a few even bought art.

There were two main entertainment stages plus numerous street performers like this juggling and percussion combo that performed for tips across from our booth. (I like percussion, but after a couple of hours of non-stop drumming, I longed for the peace and quiet of our Ozark holler.)

Few of the old houses on this section of Walnut Street remain single-family dwellings. Most have been converted to shops, offices or apartments. Walnut is right on the edge of the ever-expanding Missouri State University campus.

A booth shot of Jo's pottery for Lisa at Greenbow.

Not all the residents of Walnut Street participated in the hustle and bustle of the art fair. A few were engaged in more sedentary activities.

It is with deep regret that I must announce that work is beginning to interfere with my computer time. (Bummer!) Last Friday's thunderstorms frying the modem on my computer didn't help with my keeping current with posting and commenting either. Jo and I are right in the middle of our spring art fair season. Between traveling to shows, trying to replace some of the inventory we've sold and making minimal attempts at routine yard, garden and housekeeping chores, there just isn't enough time left for as much blogging as I would prefer. I'll post and comment as time allows, but will probably be a bit scarce online between now and the first weekend in June.


  1. We'll miss you! I'm a little envious as well. ;-)

  2. beautiful tour. have a nice time

  3. I'm sure many will miss you, but we wish you both well... Jo's pottery is awesome ..

  4. Of course you'll be missed. But not forgotten. Blog as you can. We'll be around when you get back to more permanent blogging too.

    Smart robin, making a nest on top of the light by a door. Keeps the eggs warm at night too. :-)

    And what a lovely tower room, on that beautiful old home.

    Good selling with the art!


  5. Wow, Jo sure makes nice stuff! Enjoy your busy season and travel safe!


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