Thursday, June 26, 2008

Chrysanthemum Lace Bug (Corythucha marmorata)

Chrysanthemum Lace Bug (Corythucha marmorata)

At around 1/8 of an inch (3mm), this tiny insect is much smaller than it's name. I thought this one was just a speck of trash on the sunflower leaf until it started crawling. Lace bugs are another of the many insects that pierce plants and suck out their juices. Some lace bugs attack deciduous trees while others attack herbaceous plants and shrubs. Some are species specific, but others will feed on a wide variety of hosts.

Despite its name, the Chrysanthemum Lace Bug is not species specific and will attack a wide variety of plants including asters, goldenrod, Helianthus, Rudbeckia, and Tanacetum. This one was on a volunteer sunflower growing under the birdfeeder.

According to the University of Virginia Extension Service:

Lace bug damage is first noticed as yellow spots on the upper leaf surfaces of affected plants. Lace bugs actually feed on the undersides of leaves with their piercing-sucking mouthparts, but because they kill surrounding cells as they feed, they cause the yellow spots to appear on upper sides of the leaves. The first yellow spots that appear are very similar to mite damage, but the spots made by lace bugs are much larger. When feeding damage becomes severe, the leaves take on a gray blotched appearance or can turn completely brown. As lace bugs feed they produce brown varnish-like droppings that spot the underside of the leaves. These droppings further distinguish lace bug damage from mite damage. When large numbers of lace bugs are present cast skins can be found attached to the leaves.

Thanks to BugGuide for the ID.


  1. Wow this does look like a bit of lace. A perfect name for this creature.

  2. I looked at this bug again. I am amazed at sharpness of this picture. WEll done Marvin.

  3. Well. At least it's a pretty destroyer of the plant life! Really terrific photo!

  4. I have never seen one of these up close and wouldn't have noticed what to look for.

    I have some leaf damage on the holly hocks and I thought it might be Japanese Beetles but those are not here this summer so maybe it is a lace bug.

    br>Thanks for your visit to my Brookville Daily Photo blog this morning. I hope you enjoyed my post today showing the baby rabbit eating the poppy leaves.

    I also wrote a longer piece on my Better Blog Writing about my Mom and Dad. See if you like the writing style. It is popular among better blogs.

    Last evening, it was almost dark, when one of the baby rabbits came up to our patio door and wanted in. I was flabbergasted but only took a picture and didn't leave him come in the house.

    I wanted you to know I stopped-in to repay your visit and leave a you a comment.

    I enjoyed reading your blog post for today and I thought your photography was excellent.

  5. Wow...what an amazing little creature! Great shot!

  6. They suck and they kill...

    But ~ She is beautiful.

    'Smilnsigh' blog

  7. On 'Twitter'

    "PM walk ... saw a roadrunner with lizard, but it didn't stick around for a photo"

    You mentioned a roadrunner before... Do you think you can get a photo of one, some time?

    I really don't have any idea what a roadrunner looks like. The only version I know, is the cartoon character. And our Net, cable, phone provider is named 'Road Runner.' So we are bombarded with that cartoon, in adds. But I'm sure a real one doesn't look like that!

    'Smilnsigh' blog

  8. Wow Marvin this IS good.. I have enjoyed playing catch up with your posts, always interesting and always great pictures.


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