Saturday, June 28, 2008

Leaf-Footed Bug Nymph

Leaf-Footed Bug Nymph

The nymph stages are often quite colorful and exotic-looking, but impossible (for me) to identify.
(Yet another sucker of plant juices.)


  1. What a great shot Marvin. This bug reminds me of one I saw sitting on a leaf of a butterfly bush yesterday. The bug sat there all reared up. It was a darker color though. Hmmm

    I am always amazed at the clarity of your photos. You could publish a book of bugs in your garden.

  2. "Nymph" Now there is a title word, to draw people in. ,-) Unfortunately, it's still a bug. -grin- But yes, quite colorful and exotic-looking for sure.

    Have you told what camera you use, for these magnificent close-ups? And I missed it? I had a quest to take close-ups {of flowers} but have not mastered it, for sure. It's still hit and miss, with my tries. :-(

    But then, I've never really tried to understand the book which came with it, either. Now that just *might* help me... to master the instruction book, that is. But wow how I hate instruction books! {Which probably shows some deep and horrible trait in me, but I'm not gonna' look it up!} ,-)

    'Smilnsigh' blog

  3. I don't like the looks of those spikes along its back.. but then again thats exactlywhat they are there for.. great capture.

  4. I am always amazed at how much depth-of-field you manage to get into these closeups.   Cool shot!

  5. Another wonderful 'bug' photo, Marvin. I'm thankful that the creatures you show here are not a foot long and wandering around in *my* garden.

  6. Spectacular image, pin sharp. Your photography is great if you like insects you should check out my sons blog, I will send him yours as he is a palaeoentomologist and will love your images.

  7. Bugs are soooo strange, y'know? I guess I'm a specie-ist--too used to us mammals. Some undersea creatures are awfully strange, too, but bugs can be downright alien looking! Lovely capture. :)

  8. That's a great photo. I don't remember ever seeing one of these though.

    Come see the great catch of the day, for me and someone else.

  9. I don't even try to identify the different nymph stages. I just photograph and admire them.

    It's a cool customer though.


  10. This is a species of Leptoglossus; possibly L. phyllopus but it's hard to be certain of the species with nymphs. Great photo though... love it!


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