Monday, June 02, 2008

Worm-like Mass

Does anyone know what this is?
(This is not a test because I do not know the answer.)

When I first saw this growth on a dead hickory tree, I thought it was a mass of worms, but it isn't. Each on of the "worms" is mostly air, so light that it will float in the air on even the most gentle of breezes. I suspect they are fungal spores of some type.


  1. Hi, this is Robin. I flipped over this picture as I photograph (just for fun) a lot of moss, lichen, etc. all the way from Maine to California and the rainforest of Australia and I have NEVER seen anything like this.

    I wonder if it is more related to fungi? But then if you said it floats away on the air then it is probably spores.

    You have very cool site here. I am loving you photos and seeing things I've never seen. I love the whitecrossed seed bug. It is beautiful. I love insects and flowers and almost ANYTHING in nature. It all fascinates me. AND I can tell that you are the same. Good Job!! :)

  2. I don't see anything even remotely like this in any of my field guides. Very funky! Good luck with the ID!

  3. I don't think the fungal part of lichens make such a tall reproductive part, but I do think it is the reproductive part of some other fungi. I've seen similar fungi here and there in the woods, usually on the ground, but spores can land and grow whereever conditions are right, even in the midst of another plant.

    I imagine they are dried out and ready to disseminate the spores, thus the powder effect.

  4. I actually thought this was a strange underwater photo of ocean worms. I wish I could help you.

  5. Nice photo. I looked for it on the Internet but found nothing to compare.

  6. That's a good shot, Marvin. I have never seen anything like it!

  7. Hi Marvin.. is seems there is a clear paste like stuff on the base of this growth.. are these egg sacks? instead of a plant/fungi.. maybe the are egg cases. What ever it is it is very interesting...

    I've been away for a few days and it is great to play catch up, I have missed so much.. love the butterfly pics.

  8. Good shot! It looks like some kind of coral mushroom to me.

  9. I have seen a lot of strange things in my day, but this is a first.

    Not a clue.

    Great find,

  10. This is the the myxomycete (slime mould) Arcyria obvelata.


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