Saturday, September 06, 2008

Tomato Hornworm Bearing Braconid Wasp Parasites

A Good Tobacco (Tomato) Hornworm
The Tobacco (Tomato) Hornworm (Manduca sexta) shown above is covered with pupal cocoons of a Braconid wasp. The female wasp lays her eggs inside the body of the hornworm. When they hatch the wasp larvae eat the hornworm from the inside out. When the wasp larvae are ready to pupate into adults, they emerge from the hornworm's body and spin these silken cocoons. The Braconid wasps will soon emerge from these cocoons as adults. The hornworn may still be capable of limited movement, but it's innards have been consumed by the wasp larvae and it will soon die.

Hornworms found covered with wasp cocoon should not be killed, but allowed to live -- for just a little while longer -- so the Braconid wasps can complete their life cycle and then paraticize more hornworms.

I have found cocoon covered hornworms a couple of times in the past, but it has been several years. Friday evening I found four paraticized hornworms on one tomato plant. Conditions must be just right for a Braconid wasp population boom.