Sunday, August 16, 2009

Robber Fly

Robber fly dining on a Silver Spotted Skipper.

Creative Commons License



  1. Marvin,
    I don't think my comment took the first time.
    If it did, delete this.

    I just wanted to say to all insects that are nearby,,,

    R U N F O R Y O U R L I F E !!!!!

  2. Ooh, that is a very cool picture. Sharp!

  3. AWESOME SHOT!!! I love action shots. I narrowly missed getting a shot of a robber fly eating a thread-waisted wasp last week. I made the ultimate faux pas that any photographer can make I DID NOT HAVE MY CAMERA WITH ME! by the time I retrieved the camera and returned he had flown away!

  4. What a great capture. I have never witnessed this before.

  5. Reminds me of an old employer who used to delight in sucking out the life-juices of the workers...

  6. Nice shot of a hungry robber fly and a poor skipper. I think these types of captures need good luck.

  7. Great shot! I have to say, when I think about the savagery of bug world, I'm glad to be human!

  8. Predators have to eat, too! Excellent photo, Marvin.

  9. .
    You commented on the mystery #1,
    for my new WordPress Nature Blog.
    'I C U Nature' for Nature Only!
    The answer with photos is available.

    Click here to see the Answer.

    Come visit and tell me what you think,

  10. I think the Robber Fly is very cool.
    I am enjoying catching up with you.

  11. Its really difficult to capture this shot..I hope u got a great talent with lot of patience...keep going..
    Are you scared to be alone at home need security


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