Thursday, August 27, 2009

Yellow Garden Spider (Argiope aurantia)

Robber flies aren't always predators. Sometimes they can be prey, like this one captured by a female Yellow Garden Spider (Argiope aurantia)

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  1. awesome shot Marvin, I love these gorgeous spiders---this coming from self-proclaimed hater of spiders. I've found two of these in the gardens so far. One is still VERY small.

  2. Wow, this is almost like the one I'm posting in the next couple of days, except my has all black legs. Mine was HUGE!

  3. The world does take care of itself if it is allowed to.

  4. They make the most spectacular webs I've ever seen.

  5. My favorite spiders. I love to watch them spin their prey.

  6. I love spiders & this is a great shot! They have a lot to teach us, where patience, hard work & perserverance are concerned. I don't think we could ever match their speed (when they need it,) though.

  7. A very stunning picture indeed. some people scared of spiders, but personally I love watching and capturing them.

  8. I bet that Yellow Garden Spider could make quick work of these two houseflies that have been driving me bonkers all morning...

  9. Gorgeous! I have this species set to post in a few days!


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