Monday, November 16, 2009

My World Is Foggy

Morning Fog by Jo.
(Photo:  Jo Smith on 11/11/09)

My World is foggy
-- sometimes.

I don't know if meteorologists make a distinction between fog and being enclosed by clouds. The effect is the same. Up here on a ridge in the Ozark Mountains were are sometimes up in the clouds. As you drive down into Bear Creek Valley, the fog/cloud dissipates. Driving along the valley floor you are free of fog with a low, overcast sky overhead.



  1. Nice foggy picture. Fog is fun except when you have to drive through it.

  2. Great, gray shot, Marvin! Looks like Seattle today!

    Don't get lost in the fog!


  3. This is a stunning pic! Thank you Jo for sharing! (being glad there's no fog here - it looks like the kind that does not clear up later in the day:) )

  4. That is a great picture. Love that fog.

  5. I played golf in fog like that once. I lost a lot of golf balls

  6. Great capture Jo. I feel enveloped by this cloud.

  7. I love the fog -- if I don't have to drive in it! It gives me a magical, mystical feeling. Thanks!

  8. A lovely photo, Jo! I'm quite fond of fog -- if I don't have to drive in it!

    Marvin: If I had to choose between being in the clouds or being in a fog, I choose the first. :)

  9. We have experienced this when driving through the mountains of southern NY and northern PA.. I would rather watch it from my house then drive in it....Michelle

  10. I've always loved fog. Whenever it rolled in from Lake Erie I'd either make my way to the beach or the nearby woods. Nothing like nature in the quiet, cool fog.


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