Monday, December 28, 2009


by Jo


  1. Excellent macro shot!

  2. if I am not afraid to get closer to this kind of insect i could have taken a picture of it..heheh i get full level of goose bombs just by the sight of it

    a very awesome macro shot

    mine is here

  3. Ohhh! I have a macro of a mantis, but not nearly this close. He got tired of the photo shoot and jumped on me. Yeah... that was exciting!

  4. This is a great shot Jo. I love the colors in it.

  5. Nice one, Jo.

    Poor little bugger is buggered up.

  6. Amazing shot with great details. Cameras show details we cannot see with our naked eyes.

  7. WOW! I must reiterate what others have commented: great macro shot and amazing depth-of-field! Sigh - I guess I really need to practice, practice, practice if I want to get this good some day!

  8. at first I thought he lost his 2nd antennae -- now I see it.

    Oh I'm so glad he is a little fellow - instead of something I might run into face to face.

  9. Beautiful close-up Jo. I love their eyes, they are so expressive. I swear praying mantids possess a personality.

  10. Gorgeous macro! I love insect photography!

    Has he a damaged eye, or is that just pigment?

  11. Super image. I keep looking for a mantis to shoot but they hide themselves in plain sight. The one and only time I caught one on film, Kodak lost my slides.

  12. Directly from Outer Space, 'fer sure...

  13. That is an awesome shot. I just love the way the camera allows us to see - so much detail - in the things we normally would never take a second look at.
    Thanks for sharing!

    You have some very nice pictures on your blog. I have enjoyed looking thru them.

  14. That's one awesome Macro!
    I wonder what that is on his (her) eye?

  15. If I were an insect, the praying mantis is what I would be. Female of course.

  16. A spectacular shot Marvin.

    I wish you and Jo a fantastic 2010. My it bring you much joy and happiness, peace and success.

  17. Absolutely stunning, Jo! One of those "I wish I took that" shots. I bow to the Master.
    My best to you both for 2010, too, of course! *hugs*

  18. Wow. Great shot!

    Happy New Year!

  19. always a big mantis fan, thx marvin

    happy 2010 to you and yours!

  20. hii,

    great macro shot. am a lover of macros. and love the way you focused the insect eyes..

    a fellow photo blogger. just visited you here and found some nice snaps. Can we link exchange in the blog roll. Please inform if you willing.

  21. Great photo, Jo! That's about as close to a mantis as I want to get.:)

    Snow flurries here starting at about noon today, Sunday, but not enough to even show up on the ground. Y'all stay warm; I'm trying to do so.

    Happy New Year to you and Marvin!

  22. This has to be the best one I've seen this week. Absolutely FABULOUS shot!!! WOW!

  23. Great shot of the mantis there Marvin. I used to see those things all the time back when I was a kid growing up but now a days I seldom see them anymore.

  24. Oh my this..I always think they look kind of regal...and dangerous... Would love to see you posting to Nature Notes again if you have time....Michelle


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