Sunday, June 27, 2010

Laughing Gulls

Laughing Gulls on Pilings

No, I'm not in the Arkansas Ozarks at the moment.  Instead, I'm visiting my folks down on the Texas coast.  This shot was taken along the Lighthouse Point along the channel between Aransas Pass and Port Aransas.



  1. These birds always give me a complex.It is like they are laughing at me all the time. Ha...
    Have a good time in TX. Don't melt. My parents used to winter on Red Fish Bay so I know the area of which you speak. I saw my first armidillo at Aransas National Park.

  2. Unseasonably hot and humid weather in Arkansas almost prepared us for the heat and humidity on the Texas coast. Sometimes I find it hard to believe I grew up here, and without air conditioning.

  3. Ahhh, Texas. One of my most favorite places! Have a great time. Love those gulls. A super capture. ~karen

  4. Beautiful capture Marvin! The blue background added to the beauty of the picture.

  5. nice blog;and nice photo;bravo

  6. Those look like Boneparte's gulls, actually. Hard to say. Hope you're having a great time!


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