Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Gemmed Satyr (Cyllopsis gemma)

Gemmed Satyr (Cyllopsis gemma)

Range:  Southeastern United States south to central peninsular Florida; west to southeast Kansas, central Oklahoma, central Texas, and northeastern Mexico. 

Habitat:  Near open, wet woodland; grassy areas near water; near streams and ponds. 

Food:  Caterpillars feed on grasses including Bermuda Grass (Cynodon dactylon). Adults do not visit flowers but are attracted to rotting or overripe fruit.



  1. I would love to find one of these babies in my garden. I have that pesky bermuda grass. What a beautiful photo.

  2. Great picture. I saw one of these earlier in the year and got a blurry photo before it flew away. They're not very common in Southern Ohio.

  3. What a fancy little spot on that hindwing. It almost appears as though you could wash the "dust" off of it & reveal the spectacular artwork underneath.

  4. wonderful photo - it looks like it lost some color on the way. or as lana says: the big part is dusty and only a little color shines through.


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