Thursday, January 27, 2011

SkyWatch: A Rip in the Clouds

Nearing sunset:  A rip in the clouds let sunshine leak through.

1/28/11:  Thanks to D. B. Echo for pointing out that what I photographed is probably a sun dog.  Sun dogs are sunlight reflected off ice crystal in the upper atmosphere.  They can occur any time and anywhere, but are always 22° away from the sun and at the same distance above the horizon as the sun.  All those criteria are correct for this photo.  (Please see Wikipedia for a more complete explanation and more photos.)

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  1. wow, that looks like a stairway to heaven!
    Beautiful catch!

  2. If I could have reached the sky I would like to have made one of these rips yesterday. Only larger. What a pretty photo. I also like to see the vapor trails this time of year.

  3. Beautiful. That contrail is nicely placed too.

  4. Wonder -full! Lovely capture, Marvin!

  5. Gorgeous. I can see a rainbow streaming through the gap!

  6. awesome shot! it looks like an alien ship is going to land.:p

  7. I agree with Luna Miranda. I hope the aliens are friendly. Nice photograph.

  8. Oh Marvin, it sure does and it looks like I want to leap through the opening to the world beyond! Wonderful shot!

  9. Beautiful! Is that a sundog? Was this about, ummm, twenty degrees to the left or right of the sun? Really great shot!

  10. Beautiful...isn't it great to have blogger friends who can answer a question... a sundog .....interesting...


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