Monday, February 28, 2011

Banded Hairstreak (Satyrium calanus)

Banded Hairstreak Butterfly (Satyrium calanus)

Yes, I'm again trying to prime the pump for Spring, 2011, by posting photos from a past spring.

Range: Maine across southern Canada to North Dakota; south to central Texas and the Gulf States.

Life History: Males perch on low shrubs and tree branches during the day, watching for females. Eggs are laid on twigs of the host during the summer, and hatch the following spring. Caterpillars eat catkins and leaves.

Caterpillar Hosts: Many species of oak (Quercus), walnut (Juglans), and hickory (Carya).

Adult Food: Nectar from flowers -- in this case, an Ox-eyed Daisy.

Habitat: Forest areas and neighboring open edges and fields.

Macro Monday hosted by Lisa's Chaos.



  1. Wow...very impressive photo. Love the pure white and the moth against the bright.

    My macro link: From Seedpod to Blossom

  2. Keep primin' and I'll keep followin'! Absolutely beautiful!!! Thank you!! Cathy

  3. Nice colors! I have see similar butterfly's in this area, I wonder if they are the same specie?

  4. Oh be still my heart. I can't wait to see this handsome pair in my garden again. What a lovely shot of nature.

  5. Great close up of an interesting looking butterfly. I'm probably a little too far north for him. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon, River, Canada.

  6. A beautiful butterfly with an unusual name. I hope your priming of the pump works; I am ready.

  7. I haven't been to your blog in awhile Marvin and I have enjoyed catching up. I like your photography very much and flowers and butterflies are one of my favorite subjects.

  8. He's beautiful! I love how he has the little safety thing of looking like each end is a head. :) Great catch too btw!


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