Sunday, February 20, 2011

Macro Monday: Johnny-Jump-Up

Heinz thought she was referring to ketchup.
She told NPR the song was about waiting on Cat Stevens,
AKA:  Steven Demetre Georgiou
AKA:  Yusuf Islam

No matter.

My anticipation is spring
and early spring wildflowers 

"Anticipation, Anticipation
Is making me late
Is keeping me waiting." 

Join the Macro Monday fun at Lisa's Chaos.



  1. What a lovely flower, the color is one of my favorites.

  2. Aren't you the poet today. If I had Johnny jump ups in my garden blooming I would wax poetic too.

  3. I didn't know that! Esp. about Heinz. Very interesting. Yes, right about now EVERYONE is anxiously awaiting spring!!

  4. I so much enjoy seeing those little flowers. Lovely photo, Marvin.

  5. I always enjoy the early spring flowers we call daffodils, The pop up all over the Ozarks where there use to be farm houses. They may be called something else.

  6. Daffodils will be the first bloom here since we did inherit bulbs scattered around the homestead in various locations. Ours are up and the buds are swelling. They'll bloom in a week or so. Many years I take photos of daffodil blooms with and without snow.

  7. I wish we had something jumping up around here. I did see the daffodils coming up.

  8. Lovely to see them again.
    Ours are plentiful already, both in the garden and in the woods, overtaking the snowdrops in number.

  9. That's really beautiful. Used to see a lot of these flowers in Wisconsin but not here in Texas.

  10. Nice! I was looking forward to some nice spring color until the snow covered the ground last night and we're expecting 2-4" more tonight!

  11. Great photo of an under-rated plant!

  12. A terrific shot, such a pretty flower.

  13. Wonderful macro-shot Marvin! I love these early harbingers of spring.

  14. Lovely details of this little flower. Thanks for sharing!

  15. No Johnny jump-ups have come up in my gardens yet as we are still covered in snow. I have seen them as early as March 3rd here...but I doubt I will this year. :)

  16. I am anticipating spring's arrival also but it will be a long time before we are seeing Johnny Jump-ups here in the Northeast! We just got 2" of fresh snow over night! Love the picture because I can see the delicate veining in the petals and the soft yellow throat of the flower.

  17. What a lovely flower. Hooray for Spring! :)


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