Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Nature Notes: Daffodils Will Bloom Soon

Photo by Jo (2/22/11)

Our daffodils will soon bloom.  These are a hardy group of bulbs scattered about at the edge of the woods.  They were transplanted to this location when our water line was laid (i. e. dug up by a backhoe and replanted by a bulldozer).

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  1. Great way to relocate bulbs :)

    Ours are still hiding their heads. We're waiting for the first crocuses to come out.

  2. The excitement builds. I love to watch the buds daily in my garden. The anticipation is almost as much fun as the blooms. No buds here yet but I am watching for them.

  3. And so it begins!! Spring is such an exciting time. I'll be in Maine just in time to traispe through the forest in search of the spring ephemerals, one of my favorite things to do! ~karen

  4. The promise of flowers to come. It won't be long. Nicely composed photo, Jo.

    Quite a few of my day lilies were planted in the same way when the city relocated my fence line.

  5. LOL! They are hardy if they withstood all that and came back again! :)

  6. I'm happy for you that they're sunny little faces will soon emerge. Nothing like a daffodil to say spring is coming!

  7. Oops. I meant "their". Hate it when I do that.

  8. Promise you will show these after they open?

  9. I think it will be a few more weeks before I get to see something like that. I'm looking forward to seeing photos of your daffodils when they are in bloom.

  10. Lovely shot. I've been noticing my daffodils are rapidly moving into bloom mode.

  11. I noticed today that the white clover that takes over most of our yard is coming back. :) Hooray!

  12. its wonderful to see these signs of spring!

  13. NOW you're really making me jealous Marvin... your photos are so great and you have early Spring flowers.

    (One of the downsides of living in FL as opposed to OR is that we miss the beautiful early Spring blooms -- daffodills were always my favorite flower, signalling the end of the rainy winter.

  14. Wow! Daffodils are a sure sign of spring!

  15. I am longing to see these up here in the Northeast where it has rained all day and now turned to snow! Sun predicted for tomorrow, then more snow!

  16. They certainly are standing firm in their ranks like Wellington's soldiers against Napoleon.


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