Thursday, February 17, 2011

Nature Notes: Snow Stories

There are many things not to like about the ground being covered with snow, but one of the good things is being able to glimpse the previous night's events written in the snow.  Rabbit, deer and even coyote tracks are fairly common, but this was the first time I've seen evidence of an owl pouncing on prey.

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  1. Wow, this would be exciting to see. Lots of action around your house. Can you get out yet??

  2. Quite by accident, once, I had my back light on, in the summer, and it was late at night and I heard a commotion and saw a screech owl tearing apart a mouse and eating it while its mate looked on with hopeless anticipation. There wasn't a hair left when supper was over. I also heard a hoot owl outside my window a couple of weeks ago. He hooted for about 15 minutes before leaving.

  3. How wonderful, that you notice such detail! I love your photo, even without the explanation.

  4. WOW! Gave me the shivers to think about it, but your photo is 'awesome.'

  5. Great shot. Thanks for sharing that!

  6. All the expletives are taken so I'll just repeat -- Wow! Amazing!

  7. Neat post! And I so agree that many night stories are often revealed in the snow the next morning. :)

  8. Wow, what an exciting find! The snow does serve as a vast blank canvas for nature to paint on, revealing secrets all around us.


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