Saturday, February 19, 2011

Tree Year 2011: American Persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) #4

"My" American Persimmon and "Jo's" Sweetgum tree in the fog.

A weak cold front moved through our area on Friday.  Heavy fog accompanied the slight drop in temperature.

Celebrate a tree in 2011.  It's easy:  Observe, photograph, sketch, or discuss and share with other tree huggers.  Please visit The Tree Year 2011 to participate or find other blogs post dedicated to trees from around the world.

Previous American Persimmon posts here.



  1. I love great fog photos - thanks for sharing!

  2. Beautiful photo Marvin. The trees look strong in the enfolding fog.

  3. We don't often get fogs like that down here on the flats. Very nice.


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