Thursday, March 17, 2011

SkyWatch Friday: Dogwood Buds

The dogwood (Cornus florida) buds are swelling on the trees in our woods, but it will be a couple of weeks or so before they open. Then, they will look like this:

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  1. When the buds are on the trees, it's such an exciting time! Enjoy your weekend:)

  2. I don't think I've ever had the pleasure of seeing a dogwood in person. They're lovely.

  3. Love dogwoods...mine is stating to form doesn't bloom until early May!

  4. Hiya Marvin.
    Cornus kousa, one of my favourites. Never had it myself, but one of these days...

  5. So good to see the buds - spring is in the air!

  6. Wow, I've never seen a Dogwood bud before they don't grow here.

  7. It won't be long until there are blooms. My next door neighbor has several dogwoods in her yard, close to our mutual fence line. I always enjoy the blooms.

  8. Absolutely beautiful Marvin. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  9. A lovely sign of spring, along with your serviceberries. I miss both from Virginia, not that anything would be budding this early in Michigan anyway.


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