Sunday, January 15, 2012

Female Northern Cardinal

Female Northern Cardinal
(Cardinalis cardinalis)

Because of the wide-angle lens on our camera, about the only way we can photograph birds is by luring them within 18" of the camera using a tray feeder right outside the window. I finally got around to re-installing the tray feeder yesterday.

More info on Northern Cardinals from Cornell.



  1. must be female cardinal post day! you're the 3rd of my regular blogs that posted a female cardinal today! :)

  2. Those feeders are great for studying the birds and catching good photos, aren't they? Yours is a lovely lady.

  3. Love the seed in her mouth! One of the nice things about being stuck inside during the winter is that I finally have time to watch the birds!

  4. I have a single male for her if you need one...

  5. The females are so pretty, aren't they.


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