Monday, January 30, 2012

Ice Storm Revisited

Jo put together a collage showing more or less the same areas on our place at the end of January, 2009, and end of January, 2012, when our temperatures are hitting the lower sixties. After the ice storm, we were without power for a little over three weeks and without phone service for almost a month. It took us three days to chainsaw our way out, and would have taken longer had we not met up with a county crew working from the other direction.



  1. What a diffrence a year makes. It sure makes life interesting. Great photos.

  2. Last year was so unpredictable! Great collage showing the difference.

  3. that's amazing - the difference. glad you are not isolated (so far) this year!

  4. 3 weeks...We were without 5 days in 2006.. It is terrible what some ice can do....

  5. I was just thinking about the 2009 ice storm today when it was 60+ degrees... I remember laying in bed and listening to the tree limbs (and trees) falling. We were only without power for a week. I have to admit I'm enjoying unseasonably warm weather much more than a ice storm :)

  6. Gives clarity to the meaning of "living out in the sticks", now doesn't it...

    It's been cold here in California, but we've come up on the short end-of-the-stick with rain this year. Supposed to get some on Tuesday...


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