Monday, December 17, 2012


Jo figured she might as well go ahead and harvest our fall carrot crop. They'd grown all they were going to grow. Leaving them in the ground would only risk rodent damage.

Lettuce and carrots Jo harvested. We've never had any luck growing carrots. Because our soil is thin and contains a lot of clay and rocks, our carrots were always short and stubby. We "solved" this problem and achieved success at growing carrots by planting a short, stubby variety.

Not all the carrots fully developed. They're still tasty, but peeling is tricky.


  1. Yumm Your carrots look delicious. Sometimes it takes awhile to figure out what will work in the garden. Be careful peeling that tiny carrot. :)

  2. This species look very different from species we grow here. They must be delicious and full of vitamin A.

  3. I wanted to wish you a very Happy and Healthy New Years...Michelle

  4. Just scrub it good and eat....carrots right out of the garden...I forgot how good they taste.


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