Sunday, December 21, 2014

Green Marvel Moth (Acronicta fallax - 9281)

Green Marvel Moth (Acronicta fallax - 9281)

Range:  Eastern North America.

Food:  Principal host plant is said to be Viburnum.




  1. What a gorgeous moth. It looks like someone colored it.

  2. Wonderful photo. My first thought was it looks like lichens. Indeed, they are apparently called "lichen-cryptic dagger moths ". Very cool. Do you know what lichen?

  3. I'm not really up to speed on lichen ID. With that said, we have a lot of lichens that look like what's called Heterodermia speciosa on this page. I could certainly imagine one of these Green Marvel moths "disappearing" on this lichen.

  4. Check out Flavoparmelia caperata too. It's more greenish, while the Heterodermia is gray. See also Flavopunctelia .

    Could I use your photo on my Lichens and Wildlife page at Attributed of course. Otherwise, I could just link to it...

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Yes, you may use the image. All my work is licensed under Creative Commons and may be used by anyone for non-commercial purposes. Attribution would be appreciated.


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