Sunday, January 18, 2015

A Couple of Weeks In January

Red clay hill on a sunny afternoon.

Heading home on our afternoon walk.

Interesting clouds in a blue sky.

Ice on the little waterfall behind our house.

Ice flow from seeps on the bluffs.

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  1. To have one's own waterfall. How cool.

    Winter is not too bad with blue skies and frozen waterfalls. For a week or so :-)

  2. These are all such wonderful and interesting photos, Marvin. I love where you live! And to have a waterfall - oh my!
    Be well.

  3. I totally agree that cold temperatures -- and even ice and snow -- are easier to cope with under blue sky and sunshine.

  4. I too love the blue skies. But I'm also fascinated by the icicles!

  5. I love the pretty sky shot and the icy waterfalls. Lovely images.. Have a happy day!

  6. I do love the red clay. Ours is gray. Also the bright blue skies... It makes me smile. Thank you for linking in Marvin... Michelle

  7. Very pretty pics. Even with the blue skies and sunshine, it still looks cold!


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