Monday, December 31, 2007

Around and About

Another up close and personal view of a frequent visitor to the birdfeeder hanging outside our dining room window. (Jo's photo -- 12/28/07)

Seedpod from some member of the milkweed family, I suppose. Found on our walk on Christmas day.

The only snow remaining after four days -- on a north slope that never gets any sunshine and insulated from the warm ground by a cow pie. Cow pies are obviously good insulators, but I don't think I'd want to fill the walls of my house with them. (Photo from 12/30/07)


  1. Marvin, I'm wondering why I had squirrels raiding my feeders all Spring and Summer but not since September? They must be occupied with nuts elsewhere which is OK by me :o)

    You comment on cow pies cracked me up!

  2. For some reason, Marvin, the photos won't open up. Maybe they will be OK later.

  3. Mary: I cannot explain your squirrels either. Just consider yourself one lucky lady. You must be living right.


    Abraham: Thanks for the heads up about the no-show photos, although it took me a while to get to it. My hosting site has a message posted saying they had a problem and some photo were inaccessible but no data was lost and everything is working fine now.

    The problem is: I still cannot see over half my photos, neither on the blog nor as thumbnails on the site. I've sent a email to support informing them of the continuing problem. That's about all I can do for now -- that and start using a different hosting site.

    If the data is gone, I'll re-host the most recent photos, but there's really no way I can fix all the old posts.

    Welcome to 2008. Grumble, grumble, grumble. :-)

  4. The little squirrel looks warm and fuzzy.

  5. Cathy: Make that fat, warm and fuzzy to describe our well-fed bushy-tailed rodents. :-)

    Hey, it looks like my photo hosting site really does have everything back up and running now. Good!

  6. Heh...I wouldn't insulate with cow pies, either...but some folks DO use straw! Even in Arkansas!


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