Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Last Day of 2007

This is where our normal afternoon walk starts during the winter. From here, we walk up to the upper pasture.

A little fern trying its best to split a boulder. Given enough time and help from other plants and the elements, it will succeed.

Leaves in the little winter creek right behind the house. Oh, how I wish this little creek flowed year round.


  1. You are a very special person to me and I am thankful that I was able to find you in this endless sea of blogs.

    This is a very nice photograph selection for the new year.

    Thanks for all of your visits to my blog in 2007 and I hope and pray you have excellent health and are very happy all the days of your life but especially in this new year 2008.

    Happy New Year from Patty and me.

  2. Hi Marvin,

    When I enlarge your photos, they take my breath away.

    You really have a good eye/camera.

    Enjoy 2008. I look forward to know you better.

    Happy New Year!

  3. Happy New Year Marvin. Nice pix's to start off with.

  4. Thanks, everyone. I too am looking forward to keeping up with your activities and seeing some fantastic photos on your blogs in the coming year. Y'all have a greet 2008!

  5. Happy New Year to you and your family! Glad to see you out, my weather didn't let me out!

  6. Real nice photos, Marvin.

    I especially like the fern growing in the crevice. I think it is inspiring how nature takes advantage of less-than-ideal conditions and still manages to flourish. You could make one of those motivational posters out of that pic, and call it "Flexibility." :)


  7. Tom: Here's hoping you and yours also have a great 2008. Sorry to hear you began the new year confined inside.


    Ron: Sometimes we have to really struggle getting plants to grow and thrive in the best locations we have to offer. Then you find plants that seem to be doing just find in the most difficult locations. I cannot explain nature, just observe and marvel at her abilities.


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