Saturday, December 22, 2007

Nature's Pinwheel

Movement from this little gadget caught my eye as I walked along the rock bluffs the other day. It's just a few leaves caught in a spider's web suspended from the rocks, but it spun nicely in a light breeze.


  1. I wonder what the spider thinks? No dinner tonight.

  2. Neato. Gotta love nature's little treats.

  3. Abraham: The spider was too dizzy to comment. :-)

    Lana: Yup, there's always a surprise hiding under the next rock.

  4. Cool photo, Marvin! Excellent. When I enlarged it, I also saw a rock formation that looks like a blackbird in flight. (I've only had one glass of wine) :o)

  5. OMG, Mary, you're right. The shadows on the rock do resemble a bird in flight, though it looks more like a pterodactyl to over-caffeinated me. That would be new one for your life list.

  6. Hmmm...banner for a spider party? "Beetles and a half-barrel"?


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