Monday, December 24, 2007

Our Newest Mug

The newest addition to our mug family. I don't know exactly how many mugs we have -- a lot, but I'm afraid to count and find out exactly how many. Trading mugs is a semi, sort of tradition among potters. So all our mugs are different and almost all were made by people we've gotten to know on the show circuit. We don't play favorites with our mugs. Instead, we use a different one every day. That way, we spend each day thinking about a different potter friend as we enjoy our mugs of (too much) coffee. (I suppose that if we ever had a severe falling out with a mug's maker, we'd have to break the mug as a symbol of the shattered friendship. I dunno. That hasn't ever happened.)

Jo traded with Brent for this mug at Christmas Showcase. Brent is mainly doing raku pottery these days, but he still makes a few functional items. Jo says this mug does a great job holding coffee and is equally adept at containing wine or even stronger libations.


  1. I have never seen a mug quite like this one before. I like the idea that the ribs would make holding a steaming hot cup of anything tolerable. Nice shot of the mug.

    Thanks too for your visits.

    And Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your friends and family from Patty and Me.

  2. Good morning, Abraham. The mug is loosely based on an oriental design, I suppose. It feels good in your hand. That's the important thing.

    Y'all have a great Christmas and New Year too.

  3. What a neat concept. A thousand mugs = a thousand friends. For every drink, a remembrance. I like that.

    Merry Christmas!

  4. I agree, Mary, it is a good tradition. Salud!


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