Friday, February 08, 2008

Armadillo Redux

When the local armadillo population learned about my recent blog post featuring one of their dear, departed brethren, they dispatched a representative into the backyard during daylight. I understood that I was supposed to photograph an intact member of the species, so I did. You'd think that a professional model armadillo would have learned to stand still during a photo shoot, but this was not the case.


  1. Marvin, what interesting creatures. Are these common where you live? My only experience with them was as DOR's (dead on road) in Florida.

    Tom A.

  2. Marvin it is good that you "speak" or at least understand armadillo. What an opportunity.

    I have found that they are difficult to photograph. We were at a park in Fl last year and I was followoing one around trying to get a decent picture of it to no avail. I got plenty of pictures but none were very good.

    I thought it interesting that one of the park employees asked what I was trying to take a picture of and when I told her armadillo she said good becasue some people try to do this with the poisonous snakes they have there. I told her not a problem I wouldn't be following a poisonous snake around. Ha.. Can't imagine anyone doing that.

    I do remember a coral snake letting me take its picture. I didn't have to follow it though. It was sunning itself right beside a sidewalk I was on.

  3. I also think they look better with the skins on,,, my these are strange little fellows.. nothing like an armadillo. around these parts... more the shame

  4. Great Pictures!
    How exciting. I enjoy seeing all the different wildlife but when I actually get a great photo I am really pleased! These are great photos.

  5. This little guy seems to be saying "go ahead, take the gosh dern picture and now I'm outa here". We don't have them guys out here and I think I am glad. MB

  6. continued......
    Well, maybe glad is too strong because we do have other types of critters but I never can capture them on film. MB

  7. Hooray for the 'dillos! Very lovely. :)

  8. Splendid photo. You got it going both ways; and that is commendable.

  9. Never saw one, myself. Are they really gray-metal-looking, like the photos suggest?

    And you always have such cute things to say, along with your posted photos. And in comments. I salute you!


  10. Armadillos visit the yard virtually every night. This one was just getting a head start on being nocturnal.


    I've photographed a copperhead or two, but I haven't gone looking for them.


    Armadillos are kind of cute, but the way they did often dig up the garden is a pain.


    Armadillos are gray, but a tad more brownish than the photos show. I didn't have my white balance set right for the lighting conditions.

  11. So now Marvin's talking to the Armadillos. :)

  12. Marvin, I used to live in Oklahoma and remember seeing them, usually as a very common roadkill, unfortunately.

    My only recollection of their movement is that they almost look like remote controlled, spinning vehicles.
    No wonder you were a frustrated photographer.

    Your pics are wonderful!

  13. I have never seen an Armadillo! What a treat. Great photos. They visit your house every night? Wow.

  14. I sure hope to see one of these in the wild one day!

  15. I am coming over from Wom Tigley's blog, he recommended you highly. I have only ever seen an armadillo flattened. How nice of them to send you an emissary for this photo shoot. The professional model must've been busy somewhere else, and they sent you his understudy. You still managed some very nice photos, despite the armadillo running all over the place!

  16. wow. Curiouser and curiouser. I can't stop staring at the little thing in awe.

  17. I love these guys, they are so cute. I dont have them where I live, bummer

  18. Did their "rep" try and sell you replacement windows? :) Maybe he was hoping you'd post action shots...y'know, like Sports Illustrated. (I don't suppose slow waddling really qualifies as "action".;-)


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