Friday, June 20, 2008

Shed Skin

Shed skin.
Don't know of what.
Everything with an exoskeleton must shed its skin in order to grow.
So delicate.


  1. Wonderful photo, Marvin. This can't have been a large thing; you have an excellent eye.

  2. It is delicate. In such a tough world, it made it to the next stage of life.

  3. I don't like the looks of this thing. It reminds me of lice or some kind of itchy bug. It may look delicate to some but to me with those littel hairs sticking up it looks vicious.

  4. I am not going to go 'ugh' at this. {Betcha' that fooled you, hu????} >,-) Because it is very delicate and actually, a bit pretty. :-)


  5. Great photo but eeeewwwww! I do wonder what that belonged to.

  6. You really must have eyes like an hwk to spotsuch things.. I'm well impressed..

  7. It's from a treehopper - family Membracidae (one of the sucking Hemiptera insects). Likely in the group containing the three-cornered alflafa hopper and buffalo treehopper. Treehopper nymphs lack the bizarre pronotal expansions of the adult but often make up for it with weird spines of their own. Nice picture.

  8. Very interesting photo & your words read almost like a haiku there!

  9. Thanks to everyone for your visits and comments.

    Ted: Thanks for the info. It made IDing the buffalo treehopper I found in the same group of sunflowers a day or so later much easier.

    I always thought the skin had a treehopper shape, but all the spines threw me since I'd never seen one of the nymphs -- still haven't, but I did check out some photos of them on BugGuide.

    Thanks for the help.


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