Had this caterpillar been on a brown twig instead of surrounded by green, I'd never have noticed it -- but, of course, that's the whole point.
(This is probably a Geometrid Moth caterpillar, but that's not much of a definitive ID since there are more than 1400 species in Family Geometridae in North America.)
(This is probably a Geometrid Moth caterpillar, but that's not much of a definitive ID since there are more than 1400 species in Family Geometridae in North America.)
What a stunner... excellent eye sight you have :O)
Wow, how cool! I sometimes wonder how much I miss due to such awesome camoflauge!
Good spotting! Nature is amazing.
I like this photo. I probably wouldn't have seen this either. The colours are very nice, perfect background.
David Webb - Photographer
Hi Marvin . . . thank you so much for this. I have to keep an eye out. I've so much to learn and love to see photos like this. Are you going to be going back as it develops?
That is so cool! I'm clearly at a loss for better words, but that's just amazing. It reminds me to keep my eyes open a little further when I'm hiking...
Love finding sticks that can move! LOL great job with this!
Thanks to everyone for their comments.
Andrée: The caterpillar was just in its taking a break from eating
pose and not yet ready to begin metamorphosis. I didn't collect the caterpillar -- because I didn't want to have to feed it -- and it has moved on to parts unknown.
Nature has some great wonders and entertainment if we will just stop and look.
Nice find.
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