Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Popcorn Mantis

Few people know that mantis forelegs and mouth parts are specially adapted for eating popcorn.

Photos taken 9/30/2007 on the Boone County Courthouse Square in Columbia, MO.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

OMG Marvin. How did you discover this about praying mantis?? I throw out stale popcorn thinking that birds might like it but they don't. I mean if I won't eat it why should they. But praying mantis??? wild.

Mary said...

At first, I thought this was a joke! That's incredible! Thanks for sharing these great photos. Now, every time I see a mantis, I'll think of you :o)

Lana Gramlich said...

*LOL!* That's too much! I had a mantis land in my hair a couple of months ago. I didn't have any popcorn on me, unfortunately! Glad I found your blog.
My husband's from AR, too (Charleston, up near Fayetteville.)

Dave Dorsey said...

LOL! Who would have thunk. I like the new layout.

Marvin said...

Lisa: This “natural event” occurred in the middle of an art fair where we were exhibiting. There were several hundred people in close proximity and at least a half a dozen in direct observation of the mantis. (Who needs paid entertainers on stage when you have a mantis atop a indirect lighting fixture?) I was told that before I arrived with my camera, the mantis had consumed an insect. Since no one had another bug handy, someone set the popcorn kernel down near the mantis. As you can see, the mantis had no problem with eating popcorn.

Mary: At least now I shall be remembered for something. I was beginning to have my doubts.

Lana: Fayetteville is relatively close as the crow flies and a fair ways to drive. That's north Arkansas highways for you. We're more north central. We were recently in St. Tammany Parish and thereabouts for the first time. Thanks for visiting.

Dave: Thank you sir. I'm in the process of updating the blog so I can add some things (like a blogroll) to the sidebars. However, it started raining. There's something in our telephone line that's getting wet when it should stay dry. I've lost count of how many times I've been dropped and reconnected to the Internet tonight. Since I'm figuring this out for the first time as I go, I decided it would be best to wait until I had a more stable Internet connection. Living rural has many advantages, but it has disadvantages, too.

Rebecca Clayton said...

So the popcorn was actually dessert? This is wonderful!

Marvin said...

Rebecca: Exactly. :-)

mon@rch said...

very cool for sure! I never knew these guys like popcorn! BTW: Great photos!

Marvin said...

mon@rch: It was news to me at the time. Thanks.

lisa said...

Wow...that's one of the coolest darn things I've ever seen! Heh...hope the poor thing doesn't develop high cholesterol from the butter! ;-)

Marvin said...

Lisa: I'm sure it only ate Kettle Corn in moderation.